
Sports Loft brings together an exclusive group of leading early-stage technology companies who are shaping the future of the sports, media and entertainment industries. We provide long-term support and a powerful platform for growth and relationship-building.

Our member companies gain access to our experience and network, which empowers founders to navigate everything from entering new markets to securing investment, more effectively and efficiently.

We know the priorities, processes and people of the sports industry, and believe that by bringing our members together, we create significant value for them – and the wider sector. For industry professionals and investors we're a trusted source of guidance and quality deal flow, and we’re proud to invest directly in a number of Sports Loft member companies.

Where we focus

We work with technologies that are focused on audiences - whether "audience" is defined as a team's or league's fans, the people watching a livestream or a consumer group that a brand is trying to reach through sports.

We believe that the increasing convergence of sports and media is creating new and exciting business models for building audiences and coupled with an increasing realisation that fanbases and audiences drive the commercial value for many organisations in sports, we expect to see increasing investment in this area. This complements our strong network and expertise at the intersection of sports & media, meaning that we are ideally placed to help the companies that we work with.


Helping IP owners build audiences

We work with companies who can partner with teams, leagues, broadcasters and other content owners in order help them grow, strengthen and monetise their fanbases.

Content Creation & Distribution

We look for technologies who can help sports and media organisations create highly engaging content and distribute it at scale to the right audience.

Building own audiences

We work with companies who are building their own audiences in sports - whether that is around the sports that people play or their desire for content as fans.

Who we work with

Sports focus

Companies serving sports, media and entertainment industries with new solutions that capitalise on emerging market trends.

Growth-stage maturity

Seed to Series C stage companies that are VC-backed or backable with high growth potential.

Product in market

Those with an existing product that answers a clear industry need or creates new revenue opportunities – with paying clients or users.

International outlook

The best technologies have global applications, so we look for companies capable of building a multinational presence.

World class people

Sports Loft is a place for positive leadership teams, who enjoy collaborating and contributing to our ecosystem alongside fellow member companies. 

Why Sports Loft

“As we’ve brought our technology into the Sports industry, being part of the Sports Loft community has been invaluable. They’ve been able to deliver amazing access, but just as important, has been access to their insight, support and advice”
Nick Pinks
“Sports Loft have given us a platform to really help us build our brand and our narrative as we grow. Whether it’s the meetings with potential clients or investors, the content that features us or the strategic advice, they are always pro-actively looking out for us”
Don White
Satisfi Labs

Our Network

Our global network of leading teams, leagues, broadcasters, and brands benefit from getting to know a group of carefully selected companies. Our network of investors benefit as we add value to their investments.

Get in touch

“I clearly remember the day that the idea for Sports Loft was born. I was in Lausanne, Switzerland, attending (yet another) Sports Tech conference. At the end of the conference, there was the usual pitch competition which was won by one of the original Sports Loft companies, Spalk. I was stood at the back of the room, watching on, with a sense of immense pride – Spalk was a company that I’d originally met about 2 years prior and had helped only a little bit but it was a great feeling and I wanted it again.

Less than 6 months later, Sports Loft was live and we were helping our member companies every day. I’d previously run a startup and had the battle scars, I knew what the industry execs were looking for from these tech companies as I’d been one and i’d been helping investors find deal flow and decide which early stage companies to invest in. I knew we could build a platform that could help them.

Since then we have focused on helping our member companies - and we have kept growing as a result. I get a buzz of excitement every time I meet a company that has the qualities to be a potential Sports Loft member and that feeling of pride is there every time a company we work with gets a new client, releases a new product feature, gets featured in the press, hires a new person, raises new investment and, especially, when they help each other.”

Our Story

Advisory board

Consisting of 5 leading industry executives and investors from both the US and UK, the Sports Loft advisory board helps to shape how the Sports Loft community evolves and provides expert insight and guidance to Sports Loft members.

Jasmine Robinson

L.A. / Boston
Co-founder and managing partner

Arjun Metre

Head of Sports, Media & Entertainment at Tennor Holdings. Previously Investment Director Intel Capital

Nick Bourne

Chief Strategy Officer ATP Media

Drew Crisp

London / Liverpool
SVP Marketing and Content Liverpool FC

Yanni Andreopoulos

CEO at SeaBird & Chief Commercial and Marketing Officer at E1 Series


We partner with organisations who will actively support and contribute to the success of our members.
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